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Infosec Europe 2024: Keepnet’s Commitment to Cybersecurity Excellence

Discover Keepnet at Infosec Europe 2024, booth D173! Learn how Keepnet’s AI-driven human risk management platform empowers employees to identify, report, and respond to social engineering threats, reducing phishing risk by up to 90%.

Infosec Europe 2024: Keepnet’s Commitment to Cybersecurity Excellence

As Infosec Europe 2024 approaches, Keepnet proudly announces our participation in this premier event. Keepnet’s mission is to continuously protect businesses of any size by empowering humans to detect, report, and respond to social engineering threats. Keepnet invites you to join us at booth D173 to discover how Keepnet’s Unified Social Engineering Platform, powered by AI, can transform your organization’s cybersecurity awareness.

The Human Factor in Cybersecurity

According to The Global Risks Report 2023, cyber incidents overwhelmingly involve human error, with 95% of breaches tied to human aspects. Keepnet addresses this critical challenge with a behavior-based security awareness program seamlessly integrated with phishing simulations to drive real behavioral change.

Keepnet’s Unique Approach

Keepnet unifies phishing simulation tools—covering SMS, voice, QR code, and email phishing (smishing, vishing, quishing, callback, MFA phishing)—to create an organization’s phishing risk score. By comparing these scores against industry benchmarks, we provide actionable insights to reduce phishing risk by up to 90%.

Real-world Impact

Our clients’ success stories speak volumes about the effectiveness of Keepnet’s solutions:

  • Pegasus Airlines: Reduced phishing risk by 90%, building a robust security culture.
  • Vodafone: Automated phishing email handling, reducing processing time by 95% and increasing detection rates to 99%.
  • ECI: Autopilot and self-driving features in phishing and security training reduce time by 95%, stress-free!

Meet Our Team at Infosec Europe 2024

Visitors to our booth can engage with our expert team, including:

  • Ozan Ucar, CEO: As the visionary leader, Ozan has been instrumental in steering Keepnet towards its mission of a cyber-secure world.
  • Simon Nicholls, VP of Sales: Simon focuses on building strong customer relationships and delivering tailored cybersecurity solutions.
  • Ellie Thompson, Head of Customer Success: Ellie ensures clients achieve maximum value from Keepnet’s solutions, supporting their cybersecurity journey.
  • Elliott Harper, UK Channel Manager: Elliott manages our channel partnerships in the UK, driving collaboration and expanding our regional reach.

What to Expect

Attendees will have the opportunity to see how we help organizations to:

  • Evaluate employees’ susceptibility to social engineering attacks and learn their response rates.
  • Learn the Phishing Risk Score compared to industry benchmarks.
  • Receive a comprehensive Executive Report

Trusted by Leading Organizations

Keepnet is trusted by over 4,000 organizations, including notable names like Coca-Cola, HelloFresh, Vodafone, Merck, Toyota, Dell, Zoom, SOCAR, The Standard, Living Security, Garanti BBVA, and Trendyol.

Keepnet solutions are ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, and GDPR, CCPA compliant, ensuring the highest standards of security and privacy.

Join Us

We look forward to discussing how we can help your organization manage human risk and reduce social engineering threats. Schedule a demo to see the Keepnet Human Risk Management platform in action and explore how Keepnet can reduce phishing risk by up to 90%. Visit Keepnet at booth D173, and let’s work together to create a safer digital world.


iso 27017 certificate
iso 27018 certificate
iso 27001 certificate
ukas 20382 certificate
Cylon certificate
Crown certificate
Gartner certificate
Tech Nation certificate