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Phishing Test Software

The human factor is the weakest point in your security posture and may be used against you regardless of how secure your network, computers, and software are. Traditional security measures are insufficient to stop these attacks. Using phishing test platforms that replicate phishing attacks is an effective security measure.

Phishing Test Software

The human factor is the weakest point in your security posture and may be used against you regardless of how secure your network, computers, and software are. Phishing tactics, the most popular social engineering methods used in cyber attacks, make it simple to obtain sensitive information. Traditional security measures are therefore insufficient to stop these attacks. Using phishing test platforms that replicate phishing attacks, which send phony emails to test users and have line personnel respond to the emails, is an effective security measure.


Keepnet Labs’ phishing simulator includes numerous realistic-looking phishing templates created by security specialists. It also includes phishing training that businesses can use in conjunction with their phishing simulations.

How are phishing tests conducted?

First and foremost, before conducting a phishing test, proper planning and a list of the materials required for the test should be made. Look at actual attacks to evaluate how your simulation performs if you want to make it appear retro. You can also get a sample of them if you know what kinds of attacks your business and its personnel have experienced.

Make a checklist for yourself to assist you in conducting a successful phishing test.

-What will be the message?

– Which brand are you going to impersonate?

– A domain has to be created? If so, should you create an SSL certificate to give it a trustworthy appearance?

– What kind of attack is it? Is it a spear-phishing email or a more basic phishing email?

– Are all employees your target audience, or simply a particular subset?

– Will you lure people in with links or attachments?

– Have you thought of employing a social engineering tactic, such as playing on people’s fears? Examples include fear or curiosity.

– What will happen if an employee becomes stuck; will the training be given?

– If staff members see that the simulation email poses a threat, what procedure should they take? Do they have the ability to report this? How will you provide feedback to them?

– What will be measured, and how will the results be shared?

Need a phishing tool for basic testing?

Yes, these tools help companies start quick phishing campaigns without using resources. If you want to use phishing templates, it can be helpful to have an active tool to speed up test creation.

Do phishing tests work?

Phishing tests are effective. Because:

1. It Creates Awareness.

Because frequent and practical exercises are performed, people learn attacks more effectively.

2. It creates behavior change.

Frequent practice and practical exercises ensure that people know what to do when they receive email-based threats. With periodic training, you can teach them to recognize and re-enforce the habit of reporting attacks.

3. It provides a realistic KPI of where your company stands in terms of security.

Phishing tests give you real data on where your company stands in terms of resilience and risk. It gives information about what is wrong with the traditional measurements of security awareness training and how the measurement should be. gives a more realistic picture of human risks.

Use our phishing simulator for defense against social engineering attacks. While many companies today use technology to be protected against cyber threats, user training has been a critical factor against phishing attacks. Keepnet Phishing Simulator and cyber security awareness training have been leading practices, allowing your staff to be prepared against social engineering attacks. Your users in the different departments will be tested by the Keepnet Phishing Simulator, and they will experience these attacks before they are targeted. They will also be trained with the most current and engaging training content to identify cyber-attacks such as data or identity theft.

Try our phishing tests for free .



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You'll learn how to:
tickAutomate behaviour-based security awareness training for employees to identify and report threats: phishing, vishing, smishing, quishing, MFA phishing, callback phishing!
tickAutomate phishing analysis by 187x and remove threats from inboxes 48x faster.
tickUse our AI-driven human-centric platform with Autopilot and Self-driving features to efficiently manage human cyber risks.
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