Keepnet Labs Logo

IBM QRadar

The Keepnet Labs Audit Log module keeps track of all event records. You can track and be responsible for events by simply transferring these recordings to your SIEM product.

IBM QRadar logo
Integrity and Accountability

Integrity and Accountability

In terms of platform, integrity, and accountability, all system user and service account actions are logged at the information level. The organization can use IBM QRadar to transfer these logs in real time and obtain new benefits from the solution.

Track System Users

Track System Users

You can also create alarms based on monitoring of system users’ behavior on the platform to ensure compliance and control.

Schedule your 30-minute demo now

You'll learn how to:
tickAutomate behaviour-based security awareness training for employees to identify and report threats: phishing, vishing, smishing, quishing, MFA phishing, callback phishing!
tickAutomate phishing analysis by 187x and remove threats from inboxes 48x faster.
tickUse our AI-driven human-centric platform with Autopilot and Self-driving features to efficiently manage human cyber risks.
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