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Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries for Security Awareness Training

This blog post delves into how Phishing Risk Scores differ across industries, offering valuable insights to benchmark your organization’s security awareness. Learn how to use this data to strengthen your defenses and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries for Security Awareness Training

Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting companies with ever more advanced techniques. In this environment, it is significant to understand your company’s phishing risk score to safeguard against potential threats.

Social engineering attacks, such as phishing and vishing, are becoming increasingly effective in deceiving employees and gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information. According to Keepnet's Vishing Response Report, a staggering 70% of companies are inadvertently handing over sensitive data during vishing attacks.

Also, according to Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report, 90% of cyberattacks originate from phishing emails, making it a leading cause of security breaches.

This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need for robust security awareness training and advanced metrics like phishing risk scores to mitigate the risks posed by these sophisticated social engineering tactics.

A phishing risk score measures your organization's vulnerability to phishing attacks, providing insights into how prepared your employees and systems are to detect and respond to phishing attempts.

The Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries report offers a clear comparison between your company's phishing risk score, the average score in your specific industry, and the overall average across all industries. This helps you see exactly where your organization stands in relation to others, making it easier to identify gaps in your security posture.

In this blog, we’ll explore how tracking your phishing risk score trend can reveal key vulnerabilities in your company’s defenses and how you can leverage this information to improve your security awareness and training efforts.

What is a Phishing Risk Score?

A phishing risk score is a key metric that measures your company’s susceptibility to phishing attacks. This score is calculated based on various factors, such as how well your employees perform during phishing simulations, their ability to recognize phishing emails, and how quickly they report suspicious activity.

A phishing risk score is an essential indicator that assesses how vulnerable your company is to phishing attacks. .jpg
Picture 1: A phishing risk score is an essential indicator that assesses how vulnerable your company is to phishing attacks.

The score reflects your overall readiness to handle phishing threats, providing valuable insight into areas that may need improvement.

Tracking your phishing risk score is significant for several reasons. First, it offers a clear snapshot of how vulnerable your company is to phishing attacks compared to others in your industry. A higher score suggests that your organization is more at risk, indicating the need for additional security awareness training or stronger phishing defenses.

By regularly monitoring this score, you can make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts, ensuring your company stays ahead of evolving phishing threats.

This metric also enables you to benchmark your performance against industry standards, helping you understand if your company is more or less secure than your peers.

Breaking Down the Phishing Risk Score Trend Graphic

The Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries graphic is essential for comparing your company’s phishing risk score with industry benchmarks.

The red line represents your company’s phishing risk score over time, showing how your vulnerability to phishing attacks has fluctuated. The blue line indicates the average phishing risk score for your specific industry, allowing you to see how your organization compares to other companies in the same sector.

Finally, the teal line shows the average score across all industries, providing a broader context for how your security measures stack up against a wider market.

 An example graphic on Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries.png
Picture 2: An example graphic on Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries

Phishing Risk Trend Analysis

A close look at the trend reveals key insights. For example, the graph highlights a critical risk level reached in April, where your company’s score spiked above both the industry average (blue) and the all-industry average (teal).

This indicates a period where your organization was more vulnerable to phishing attacks than most of your competitors. The sudden increase could point to weaknesses in security awareness training, a rise in phishing attempts, or gaps in incident reporting by employees.

What It Reveals

When your company’s phishing risk score is consistently higher than the industry average, it signals a greater vulnerability to phishing attacks. This is a red flag that requires immediate attention.

Higher scores suggest that your employees may not be adequately prepared to identify and report phishing attempts, leaving your company exposed to potential security breaches.

In such cases, you may need to implement more aggressive security awareness training programs, introduce more frequent phishing simulations, and strengthen your overall defense strategies. By addressing these vulnerabilities, you can bring your score in line with, or even below, the industry average, reducing your risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.

Section 3: Using the Phishing Risk Score Trend to Benchmark Your Company

Industry Comparisons

Comparing your company’s phishing risk score with the industry average is a critical step in evaluating your security posture. By looking at the blue line representing the industry average, you can quickly assess how well your company is doing relative to others in your sector.

For example, if your company's score is consistently higher than the industry average, it suggests that your security measures, such as phishing simulations or employee training, may be less effective compared to your competitors.

All-Industry Perspective

In addition to comparing your score with the industry average, it’s also important to look at the all-industry average (represented by the teal line).

This broader perspective gives you a sense of how your company fares on a global scale, beyond your specific industry. Even if your score is close to the industry average, a much higher score compared to the all-industry average signals that phishing risks are more prominent in your organization than in many others across different sectors.

This wider comparison can help you understand whether the challenges your company faces are specific to your industry or part of a larger trend.

If your score is higher than both the industry and all-industry averages, it’s a strong indicator that immediate action is needed to strengthen your phishing defenses. Leveraging this broader benchmark ensures you’re not just focusing on your direct competitors, but also keeping pace with global cybersecurity standards.

If your company’s phishing risk score, represented by the red line in the graphic, remains consistently higher than both the industry and all-industry averages, it’s a sign that certain security weaknesses need to be addressed.

A persistently high score could indicate several underlying issues, such as insufficient phishing simulations, which means your employees may not be receiving enough exposure to phishing threats in a controlled environment. Another potential cause is a lack of employee awareness, where staff might not fully understand the signs of phishing attacks or how to report suspicious activity.

Additionally, if your score continues to rise, as shown in critical periods like April in the chart, it could be due to new or more sophisticated phishing attempts targeting your organization, or an increase in successful phishing incidents.

These high-risk periods provide valuable insights into your organization’s vulnerability and can pinpoint areas where improvements are needed most.

The data from the Phishing Risk Score Trend chart serves as a roadmap for improving your company’s phishing defenses. To lower your score over time, you need to implement stronger security awareness training programs tailored to your company’s specific risks. Increasing the frequency and diversity of phishing simulations—including email, voice, and SMS phishing attempts—can help employees become more vigilant and better equipped to recognize phishing threats.

By continuously monitoring the trend and adjusting your approach, you can drive measurable improvements in your company’s phishing risk score. A proactive approach that includes ongoing training, real-time phishing simulations, and regular assessments will not only reduce your score but also help create a more security-conscious workplace, decreasing your organization’s vulnerability to phishing attacks.

Monitoring your phishing risk score over time and comparing it with industry and broader market trends is crucial for maintaining a strong security posture. The data provided by the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries chart allows you to clearly see how your organization performs regarding phishing vulnerability.

By regularly tracking your score and benchmarking it against industry-specific and all-industry averages, you gain valuable insights that enable you to make smarter, data-driven decisions about where to focus your security efforts.

A higher-than-average phishing risk score signals the need for immediate improvements, whether through enhanced phishing simulations, more robust security awareness training, or stronger overall defenses.

Using this trend-monitoring approach helps you avoid potential threats and ensures your company is equipped to handle the evolving landscape of phishing attacks.

Monitor Your Risk with Keepnet's Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries

 Track and Compare Your Risk Using Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries .jpg
Picture 3: Track and Compare Your Risk Using Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries

Protecting your organization from phishing attacks starts with understanding your vulnerabilities. Regularly monitoring your phishing risk score and benchmarking it against industry and all-industry averages is crucial for staying ahead of evolving threats. At Keepnet Human Risk Management Platform, we offer a comprehensive solution that includes the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries, helping you track your company's phishing risk over time and compare it to key benchmarks.

By using Keepnet's Phishing Risk Score Trend, you gain valuable insights that empower you to make smarter decisions and prioritize the security measures that matter most. Take control of your organization's phishing defenses today by partnering with Keepnet Labs.!

To protect your business from phishing threats, it’s essential to continuously review your phishing risk score and adjust your security strategies accordingly. Regular monitoring and industry comparison will keep your organization proactive, helping you reduce risks and safeguard against phishing attacks before they cause harm.



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tickTrack your company’s phishing risk score in real-time.
tickCompare your score with industry-specific and global averages.
tickIdentify gaps in your security approach and take proactive measures to reduce phishing vulnerabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries for Security Awareness Training?

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The Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries for Security Awareness Training refers to the analysis and tracking of how organizations in different industries perform in terms of vulnerability to phishing attacks. This trend allows companies to compare their phishing risk score with industry-specific benchmarks and the overall market average, helping them identify potential weaknesses in their security posture and make informed decisions about enhancing their security awareness training efforts.

2. How can businesses use the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries to improve security awareness training?

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Businesses can leverage the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries to benchmark their vulnerability against peers in the same sector and across the broader market. By regularly monitoring their phishing risk score and comparing it to industry trends, organizations can spot gaps in their security awareness training and take proactive measures. This includes increasing phishing simulations, improving training programs, and adjusting defenses to address specific phishing risks identified through the trend analysis.

3. Why is tracking the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries important for security awareness training?

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Tracking the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries is crucial for ensuring a business stays ahead of evolving phishing threats. It provides a clear comparison of how vulnerable a company is compared to others in its industry, helping organizations understand if their security awareness training is effective. By regularly assessing this score, businesses can enhance their training programs and phishing simulations to reduce risk, ultimately improving their overall security posture.

4. How does the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries help in benchmarking phishing defenses?

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The Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries helps businesses benchmark their phishing defenses by comparing their risk score against industry-specific and global averages. This trend analysis reveals how prepared a company is to handle phishing attacks compared to others, making it easier to identify areas where security awareness training may need to be strengthened to reduce vulnerabilities.

5. What factors influence the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries for Security Awareness Training?

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Several factors influence the Phishing Risk Score Trend Across Industries for Security Awareness Training, including the frequency of phishing simulations, employee performance in identifying phishing attempts, and how quickly suspicious activity is reported. The trend also reflects how phishing techniques evolve and affect different industries, highlighting where companies need to focus their efforts to improve their security awareness training and reduce their risk of phishing attacks.