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Cyber Security Awareness Training For Employees

Teach your employees about common threats like social engineering to reduce cyber risks. Our blog post explores essential cybersecurity awareness training strategies for employees, showing how effective training can prevent human-based errors that cause data breaches within organizations.

Cyber Security Awareness Training For Employees

Did you know that according to IBM, 95% of cyber security incidents in companies occur because of human errors? This highlights how important it is for all employees to understand cyber threats.

According to the Osterman Security Awareness Training 2022 report, on average, smaller businesses (under 1,000 employees) can achieve an ROI of 69% from a security awareness training program, while larger companies (1,000+ employees) can achieve an ROI of 562% by preventing human errors that cause security incidents.

So, because of human related risks and importance of security awareness training for organizations, this blog post will discuss why it's a must for every business to provide cyber security awareness training for employees, how to provide training effectively, and as well as how Keepnet's security awareness training product can help organizations reduce human-related security risks.

Understanding Cyber Security Awareness Training For Employees

Cyber security awareness training for employees is an essential strategy for any company looking to protect itself from cyber threats that can cause businesses to lose money, reputation, data breaches, legal issues, and many other headaches. This training goal is to teach employees the critical skills they need to keep their personal and company data safe. Employees learn why it's important to protect sensitive information and how to identify threats that could damage their organization.

One of the major focuses of this training is the threats that come from emails. Since emails are central to how companies operate, by sharing information and communicating internally and externally, they are a common target for cyber attacks like malware, spear phishing, and ransomware. This makes it important for employees to understand how to recognize and respond to these risks.

IT and security leaders in companies are especially concerned about these email threats because they keep occurring and can cause significant damage. According to Proofpoint reports, over 70% of data breaches begin with phishing or social engineering attacks. That is why ongoing training is a must to fight against these dangerous threats.

Again, the goal of security awareness training is to build a secure workforce that can proactively identify and prevent cyber threats, making cyber security awareness a key part of a company's defense strategy.

Here are the leading cybersecurity concerns for organizations:

This picture shows what type of cybersecurity threats organizations are most concerned about. .jpeg
Picture 1: This picture shows what type of cybersecurity threats organizations are most concerned about.

The Importance of Regular Cyber Security Training For Employees

Regular cyber security training is more than just a routine procedure; it is a fundamental component of a robust defense strategy for any organization. With the evolving nature of cyber threats, continuous and updated training becomes very important for empowering employees to handle these cyber threats effectively.

According to an Osterman Research report, the data shows that the more time employees spend on cyber security training, the better they are at protecting against a variety of threats. For example, employees who receive up to 15 minutes of training per month report that this training is effective in handling business email compromise attacks by 53%, but this effectiveness increases to 69% when the training exceeds 15 minutes per month.

This trend is consistent across different types of threats. Whether it's dealing with malicious websites, spam, phishing, or ransomware attacks, the depth and frequency of training directly influences the employees' ability to respond effectively. Employees who engage in more than 15 minutes of training are significantly better at recognizing and mitigating threats than those who receive less training.

IT and security decision-makers have noticed that with increased training, there is a noticeable improvement in how well employees understand and manage security threats. This isn't just about more information; it’s about creating a culture of security awareness that adapts to new threats as they emerge.

By investing in regular and comprehensive training, organizations not only enhance their security defense but also build a proactive workforce that can anticipate and react to cyber threats effectively. This commitment to continuous learning is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of an organization's digital assets.

Here, it shows that when employees spend more than 15 minutes training on various types of cyber security threats, they are more likely to identify and prevent them. .jpeg
Picture 2: Here, it shows that when employees spend more than 15 minutes training on various types of cyber security threats, they are more likely to identify and prevent them.

Here is a YouTube video briefly explaining the risks of not implementing security awareness training, the reasons for data breaches, and why security awareness training is important for organizations.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Cyber Security Training

Measuring the effectiveness of cyber security training is important for organizations to ensure that the training program really works and employees are well-trained against cyber threats. Also, effective measurement allows businesses to verify that training reduces vulnerabilities, complies with regulatory standards, and helps employees to be proactive against new cyber threats. This approach ensures that employees are both knowledgeable and proactive in managing potential cyber threats.

Although no single metric can capture the effectiveness of the training program, combining several key metrics explained below can provide a comprehensive overview:

1. Tracking Behavioral Changes

Monitoring changes in employee behavior over time is a direct method to measure the effectiveness of training. For instance, if there's a noticeable reduction in security incidents or breaches due to human error, it indicates successful training. IT departments can track metrics such as the number of reported phishing attempts that employees correctly identify and report, helping to assess the real-world impact of the training.

2. Simulation and Testing

Regular simulated attacks like voice phishing (vishing), sms phishing (smishing), MFA phishing, QR code phishing (quishing), callback phishing, for example, mock phishing emails, test employees' responses in a controlled, safe environment. Observing the rate at which employees click on simulated malicious links, or submit sensitive information before and after training can provide concrete data on how the training has influenced their behavior. This method helps organizations see how well employees can apply their knowledge in practice.

3. Skill Assessments and Quizzes

Incorporating quizzes and practical assessments at the end of training sessions allows for the measurement of immediate understanding and retention of the training material presented. Tracking improvements in quiz scores over multiple sessions can indicate an increase in knowledge and pinpoint areas needing additional focus, ensuring that training remains relevant and effective.

4. Engagement Metrics

It’s important to measure how actively involved employees are during training sessions. Metrics such as completion rates of courses, participation in discussions, exam results, and active involvement in hands-on activities can shed light on how engaging and effective the training is. High engagement levels are often correlated with better learning outcomes and a deeper understanding of the training content.

5. Anonymous Online Feedback

Gathering anonymous online feedback after training sessions is a key strategy for collecting genuine insights into how the training has affected employees’ attitudes and practices regarding cybersecurity. This approach allows employees to share their thoughts freely without fear of repercussions. The feedback collected can highlight which parts of the training are effective and engaging and which areas require improvements to enhance learning outcomes and overall effectiveness.

6. Long-Term Impact Analysis

Evaluating the long-term impact of training involves periodically revisiting the training’s objectives to see if employees continue to follow the cybersecurity best practices taught. For example, conducting phishing simulation tests over 3-6 months or a year can help measure whether employees retain and apply their training effectively over time.

Overall, we can say that to measure whether training is truly effective for employees, regularly testing their knowledge and skills is key. You need to consistently assess their behavior. For example, if they have learned USB security practices, you can place a USB drive in common areas and observe what employees do. If they find it, refrain from using it, and report it as they were taught, this is an ideal response.

Customizing Cyber Security Training for Different Employee Roles

Customizing cyber security training to fit different employee roles within an organization is key to maximizing its effectiveness and ensuring that every member of the team can contribute to the company's overall security posture. This targeted approach helps ensure that training is not only relevant but also engaging, increasing the likelihood that employees will incorporate security practices into their professional and personal lives.

The effectiveness of security training often hinges on how interesting and relevant it is perceived by the participants. When employees find the training engaging and directly applicable to their roles, they are more likely to absorb the teachings and modify their behavior accordingly. For example, research indicates that when training captures the interest of the participants, they are more inclined to adopt secure practices such as changing passwords regularly, avoiding the reuse of passwords, and using public Wi-Fi cautiously with proper security measures.

The ultimate goal of security awareness training is to bring about a fundamental change in the way users think about and handle security, both at work and in their personal lives. Effective training should convince users that adopting new security behaviors is beneficial across all aspects of their life. To achieve this, it's essential to tailor the content and delivery of training sessions based on the specific duties and risks associated with different roles within the company.

For example, IT employees might receive in-depth training on network security and threat analysis, while customer service representatives are taught how to identify and handle voice phishing attacks. Similarly, executive-level employees might have sessions focused on the strategic implications of cyber threats and the importance of leadership in managing risks.

By customizing training content to align closely with the unique responsibilities and daily activities of each employee’s role, organizations can ensure that every employee not only understands the risks but also feels personally invested in the security measures implemented. This customized approach not only makes the training more interesting and relevant but also more effective in building a security-conscious culture across the entire organization.

The above screenshots show that the more interesting security awareness training is perceived to be, the more likely that users will fundamentally change their security behavior. .jpeg
Picture 3: The above screenshots show that the more interesting security awareness training is perceived to be, the more likely that users will fundamentally change their security behavior.

How Keepnet's Cyber Security Training Reduce the Risks?

Keepnet's cyber security training reduces the risks with the approach to securing employee behavior. Keepnet launches tailored phishing simulation tests — such as email phishing, vishing, smishing, quishing, MFA phishing, and callback phishing. These phishing tests are coupled with automated security awareness training tailored to each employee's behavior. If an employee interacts incorrectly with a simulated phishing attempt, they are automatically enrolled in targeted employee cyber training.

This method not only educates employees on the various types of phishing attacks but also empowers them to detect and respond appropriately, thereby reinforcing their ability to act as the first line of defense against social engineering attacks.

 Keepnet's cyber security awareness training helps employees identify phishing attacks with a 90% success rate within 12 months.  .jpeg
Picture 4: Keepnet's cyber security awareness training helps employees identify phishing attacks with a 90% success rate within 12 months.

Another method used by Keepnet is to empower employees to use the Phishing Reporter add-in to report phishing emails simply with one click to the IT/SOC teams. More importantly, the reported email by the user will be analyzed by the Incident Responder product using over 20 email analysis services, such as Google Safe Browsing, Virustotal, Google Web Risk, and Forti Sandbox, etc. And within a few minutes, an automated analysis result email will be delivered to the user’s inbox, indicating whether the reported email is malicious or safe. This approach increases the rate of reporting suspicious emails by 82% within 6 months.

Features of Keepnet’s Cyber Security Awareness Training for Employees

Features of Keepnet’s cybersecurity awareness training .jpeg
Picture 5: Features of Keepnet’s cybersecurity awareness training

Features of Keepnet’s cyber security awareness training for employees include a variety of simulated attacks and diverse cyber security staff training modules. Using these security awareness tools, Keepnet equips employees with the skills needed to recognize and respond to various cyber threats. This multi-faceted approach ensures that employees are not only aware of potential security risks but are also well-prepared to act effectively against them.

Here are some of the features of Keepnet cyber security awareness training for employees:

Phishing Awareness Training and Simulation:

  • Phishing Simulation: This tool simulates email-based phishing attacks to train employees in identifying and responding to deceptive emails.
  • Voice Phishing Simulation: Employees learn to handle phone-based phishing, or "vishing," attacks through simulated malicious calls.
  • SMS Phishing Simulation: This cyber security awareness for employees replicates SMS-based phishing, or "smishing," attacks, teaching employees how to recognize and react to malicious text messages.
  • QR Code Phishing Simulation: Focuses on the risks associated with scanning QR codes, teaching them how to identify and prevent malicious QR codes.
  • MFA Phishing Simulation: Simulates scenarios attempting to bypass Multi-Factor Authentication, emphasizing the critical nature of secure MFA practices.
  • Callback Voice Phishing Simulation: Trains employees to identify and respond to fake callback requests that are typical in social engineering attacks.

Diverse and Rich Cybersecurity Awareness Training Content:

  • Over 1700 Security Courses: Keepnet offers an extensive library of courses available in more than 30 languages, developed by top content providers, featuring interactive micro-videos and game-based learning to engage various learner types.
  • Continuous Security Awareness Training: Keepnet ensures that training content is always up-to-date, reflecting the latest phishing tactics and cyber threats.
  • API Integration: Allows seamless integration of Keepnet's solutions with existing systems, automating various functions such as training, simulations, and reporting.
  • SMS-Based Training: Offers the ability to deliver cyber security training for employees via SMS, ensuring accessibility for employees in environments where email use is limited.
  • Advanced Reporting Tools: Provides in-depth analytics on employee performance in training and simulations, enhancing the ability to track and improve security measures.
  • Gamification: Utilizes competitive elements like leaderboards to make staff security education more engaging and encourage widespread participation.
  • Regulatory Compliance Training: Includes specific courses to meet regulatory requirements like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI, ensuring that employees understand relevant legal and security frameworks.
  • Behavior-Based Security Training: Automatically delivers targeted cyber security training for employees based on employees' actions during simulations, ensuring that the learning is both immediate and directly targeted to the incorrect behavior.
  • Diverse Content Styles: Offers a variety of content formats, allowing organizations to tailor the learning experience to best suit their team's needs.
  • Customization Options: Allows organizations to create custom phishing templates and scenarios that are more closely aligned with their specific security concerns, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of the training.

Through these features, Keepnet's cyber security training for employees not only educates employees about potential cyber threats but also creates a proactive security culture within the organization, significantly reducing the risk of cyber security incidents.

How Useful is Keepnet's Cyber Security Awareness Training for Employees?

Keepnet's cybersecurity awareness training for employees has proven to be a significant asset in enhancing the security posture of organizations. By equipping employees with the necessary knowledge and tools, this cyber security staff training significantly raises their awareness and ability to handle various security threats.

The table below showcases the impressive gains in employee awareness across multiple security-related topics, measured before and after the awareness training sessions within a year. These metrics underscore the staff training’s effectiveness in building a security culture and awaneress within the workplace.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)22.0%83.5%279%
Social Media30.0%89.0%197%
Inadvertent Disclosure20.0%82.0%310%
Insider Threat15.0%76.0%407%
Shadow IT28.0%76.0%171%
Storage Devices31.0%85.0%174%
Email Security29.0%87.0%200%
Data Protection23.0%78.0%239%
Network Security21.0%76.0%262%
Reporting Threats17.0%93.0%447%
Mobile Device Security19.0%75.0%295%
Secure File Sharing24.0%77.0%221%
Compliance and Legal Risks16.0%76.0%375%
Multi-Factor Authentication14.0%88.0%529%
Public Wi-Fi Security26.0%76.0%192%
Incident Response Planning20.5%76.0%271%
Security Software Usage28.5%84.0%194%

Check out the success story of Tiryaki, a global agricultural company. They trained a diverse team of 1100 employees in different locations worldwide, including various ports. To protect themselves from cyber threats, they started using Keepnet’s cybersecurity awareness programs, which helped them stop phishing risks up to 89% success in 12 months.

Increase Your Employee Security Awareness with Security Trainings

In 2024, increasing employee security awareness will be more significant than ever. Cybersecurity is not just about having the right tools and technologies; it's equally about ensuring every employee can recognize and respond to potential security threats.

Here’s how you can boost your security training to build a workforce that is better prepared and informed, effectively reducing security risks.

1. Regular and Comprehensive Training Sessions:

It's important to have regular cybersecurity training to keep security awareness sharp in everyone's mind. The training program should cover a wide range of topics, from recognizing phishing emails, best practices for creating and managing passwords, clean desk policy, secure sharing of files or sensitive information, and many more. This approach helps to ensure that all employees are well-trained on various types of cyber security threats and how to protect themselves and the company from cyber attacks.

2. Engaging and Interactive Content:

Cybersecurity training should be fun and engaging. Using games, quizzes, and practical exercises can help make complicated topics easier to understand and remember. This makes learning more enjoyable and helps ensure that employees will remember what they've learned when it matters most.

3. Real-World Phishing Simulations:

Practice makes perfect, which is why simulating real-world cyber threats like phishing emails, voice phishing calls (vishing), or ransomware attacks is so valuable. These simulations allow employees to safely apply their theoretical knowledge through practical responses to these threats, preparing them to confidently handle real-world phishing attacks.

4. Personalized Awareness Learning Paths:

Different jobs have different security needs. Tailoring the cybersecurity training to fit each person's role in the company makes sure that everyone gets the most relevant and useful information. This approach makes the training more effective for each individual.

5. Use of Modern Technology:

Leverage modern technologies such as AI and machine learning to deliver personalized training experiences. These technologies can help in creating more realistic simulations and providing real-time feedback to trainees.

6. Continuous Assessment and Feedback:

Regular assessments and feedback are essential to measure the effectiveness of cybersecurity training. Continuous monitoring and reporting on employee progress can help identify areas that need additional attention.

7. Promoting a Security Culture:

Encourage everyone in the company to talk openly about cybersecurity. This includes reporting any suspicious activities without fear of being blamed. Recognizing those who do well in security practices can motivate others and strengthen the security culture in the workplace.

8. Leadership Involvement and Support:

When company leaders actively participate in and support cybersecurity training program, it shows everyone that security is a top priority. This leadership commitment helps make the training more effective because employees see its importance and are more likely to take it seriously.

9. Regularly Update and Adapt the Security Awareness Training Program:

It's important to keep your cybersecurity training up-to-date with the latest threats. To do this, always be on the lookout for new types of cyber attacks. Every few months, take some time to go over the training materials and make sure they still match up with the most recent cyber threats and security practices. By doing this, you help ensure that your team is always ready to face the latest cybersecurity challenges with the most effective tools and knowledge.

10. Compliance and Regulatory Training:

Cover all necessary compliance and regulatory standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, depending on your industry. Use practical examples, like handling customer data requests under GDPR, to illustrate how non-compliance can lead to severe penalties. Training should include scenario-based learning where employees navigate decisions involving data privacy and security, helping them understand their roles in maintaining compliance.

Discover Keepnet’s security awareness training product in action! Watch our YouTube video to see how our training product functions in real time. Explore the diverse range of cybersecurity content available, learn how to effortlessly distribute it to your employees, and uncover much more.



Schedule your 30-minute demo now!

You'll learn how to:
tickSend phishing simulation tests via Email, Voice, MFA, Callback, QR Code, and SMS to teach your employees how to protect themselves from these social engineering attacks.
tickAccess diverse and comprehensive training materials from over 12 leading security awareness training vendors, tailored to meet organizational needs.
tickUse advanced reporting features to generate high-level detailed reports that include top risky employees, organizational phishing risk scores, responses to phishing simulations, and training engagement statistics, etc.
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