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What is Callback Phishing?

Callback phishing is a significant threat in 2024. But what exactly is a callback phishing attack, and why is it important to understand? This blog post aims to clarify the concept of callback phishing and unravel its deceptive mechanisms.

What is Callback Phishing? How Can You Protect Your Business Against Callback Phishing in 2024?

What is Callback Phishing?

Callback voice phishing, sometimes known as telephone-oriented attack delivery (TOAD), is a clever trick cybercriminals use. It starts with an email but differs from the phishing emails you might be familiar with. Instead of asking you to click on a link or download an attachment, this email prompts you to make a phone call.

Here's how it typically works: You receive an email alerting you to a problem, such as a payment due for a service you don't recall signing up for. Curiously, the email gives little detail but urges you to call a provided phone number for more information. When you call this number, a person on the other end – the attacker – uses persuasive tactics to extract sensitive information from you or to convince you to take actions that could harm your computer, like installing malware.

How callback Phishing Attack Works

Why is Callback Phishing Rising?

Callback phishing is becoming more common for several reasons. First, people are becoming more aware of traditional phishing emails, so scammers use more sophisticated methods.

Callback phishing is also harder to detect and block because these emails often don't contain the usual malicious links or attachments that email security systems look for.

Callback Phishing Attack Cycle Explained

Callback Phishing Statistics in 2024

Understanding the callback phishing statistics behind these attacks is significant for businesses and individuals alike to grasp the severity of the threat and take appropriate measures. Let's delve into some key statistics highlighting the growing concern around callback phishing as of 2024.

  • Significant Increase in Callback Phishing Incidents: Cybersecurity experts reported a staggering 625% increase in callback phishing attacks from the first quarter of 2021 to the second quarter of 2022. This trend underscores a worrying escalation in the frequency and sophistication of these attacks.
  • Financial Impact on Businesses: According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States, businesses faced substantial financial losses due to imposter scams, including vishing (voice phishing), amounting to $1.8 billion in 2020. This figure highlights the significant financial risk posed by such scams.
  • Average Losses from Vishing Scams: The Better Business Bureau (BBB) reported that the average loss for businesses due to vishing scams in 2020 was around $7,640, with some incidents leading to losses as high as $500,000. These numbers reflect the severe impact that a single successful attack can have on a business.
  • Prevalence of Vishing Attacks: A survey by Pindrop Security in 2019 revealed that nearly 60% of businesses experienced a vishing attack within a year, with the average financial loss per incident being $43,000. In some extreme cases, losses exceeded $1 million, demonstrating the potentially devastating consequences of these attacks.
  • Fraud Costs in the UK: In the UK, the cost of fraud to businesses reached a staggering £1.2 billion in 2020, as reported by UK Finance. Vishing was identified as one of the most common fraud types, with losses totaling £37.8 million. This data indicates that the threat is not confined to one region but is a global concern.

These statistics from 2024 paint a clear picture: callback phishing is not just a fleeting cyber threat but a significant and growing challenge.

Identifying Callback Phishing Emails

Recognizing a callback phishing email is key to avoiding its trap. Here are some signs to watch for:

Unfamiliar Sender: If the email claims to be from a company you don't recognize or have no dealings with, be cautious.

Generic Email Addresses: Legitimate companies usually send emails from their domain, not from generic email services.

Urgency and Lack of Detail: These emails often create a sense of urgency but provide little to no specific information, pushing you to call for more details.

Spelling and Grammar Mistakes: Professional companies typically ensure error-free communication.

Identifying Callback Phishing Emails

Techniques Used in Callback Phishing

Scammers use various social engineering techniques in callback phishing:

  • Creating a Sense of Urgency: They might insist that immediate action is needed, preying on the victim's fear or anxiety.
  • Feigning Authority: To gain the victim's trust, the scammer may pretend to be a figure of authority, such as a bank official or a law enforcement agent.
  • Offering Help or Rewards: Sometimes, they offer assistance or promise rewards to lure the victim into complying with their requests.
A Callback Phishing Example

How to Protect Your Business Against Callback Phishing

Safeguarding your business from callback phishing involves several key strategies that blend technological tools with proactive awareness and response measures. Here's a detailed breakdown:

1. Implement Email Security Solutions

Utilize advanced email security systems capable of identifying and flagging suspicious emails. These systems act as the first line of defense, filtering out potential phishing emails before they reach your employees, thereby reducing the risk of human error.

2. Verify Independently

Always verify the legitimacy of an email request by checking the phone number or contact details through official websites or trusted sources rather than relying solely on the information provided in the email. Independent verification helps avoid deceptive tactics phishers use and ensures that any action taken is based on reliable and accurate information.

3. Educate Yourself and Others: Security Awareness Training

Regularly conduct security awareness training for all employees. This training should cover identifying phishing emails, safe online practices, and reporting suspicious activities. Well-informed employees are less likely to fall for phishing scams. Continuous security awareness training creates a knowledgeable workforce that recognizes and responds appropriately to cybersecurity threats.

4. Use a Callback Phishing Simulator

Implement a callback phishing simulator as part of your security training program. This tool simulates realistic phishing scenarios to test employees' responses in a controlled environment. Callback phishing simulations provide practical, hands-on experience. They help employees understand the subtleties of phishing attacks and learn how to react without the risk of real-world consequences.

5. Reporting Incidents

Establish a clear protocol for reporting suspected phishing incidents. Encourage employees to report any suspicious emails or calls immediately. Prompt reporting of incidents allows for quicker response and mitigation, reducing potential damage. It also helps in updating and refining security measures based on real-life scenarios.

6. Fixing Email Misconfigurations

Regularly review and correct misconfigurations in your email systems. Ensure that your email settings are optimized for security. Correcting misconfigurations prevents exploitation by cybercriminals. Secure email configurations are important in preventing unauthorized access and reducing the likelihood of successful phishing attacks.

By implementing these strategies, your business can significantly enhance its defenses against the sophisticated and evolving threat of callback phishing. Remember, the key to effective cybersecurity is robust technology and continuous awareness.

Explore Our Security Awareness Training Products on YouTube.

See our security awareness training products in the video below, including demonstrations of vishing simulation, phishing simulation, and smishing simulations or callback phishing simulation.



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tickSend automated security awareness training based on behaviors

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a callback phishing simulator and how does it enhance an organization's cybersecurity?

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A callback phishing simulator is a specialized security awareness training tool organizations use to educate employees on callback phishing attacks. This simulated callback phishing test tool mimics real-life phishing scenarios without the actual risk, allowing employees to experience firsthand what a callback phishing attempt might look like. Employees interacting with the callback phishing test software receive immediate feedback on their actions, helping them understand what they did right and where they could be more cautious.

How can regular security awareness training help in combating callback phishing?

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Regular security awareness training equips employees with the knowledge to identify and respond appropriately to callback phishing attempts. Such training sessions should cover the latest phishing tactics, spotting suspicious emails, and verifying requests through official channels. The key benefit is creating a vigilant workforce that acts as a human firewall, significantly reducing the risk of successful phishing attacks on your organization.

Why is independent verification important in identifying callback phishing?

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Independent verification involves double-checking the legitimacy of requests or contact information received in emails through official websites or direct contact with the company. This step is important because callback phishing often relies on tricking victims into believing they are communicating with a legitimate entity. By independently verifying, you avoid the trap set by phishers and ensure that your action is based on accurate and reliable information.

What steps should a business take to report and respond to a callback phishing incident?

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When a callback phishing incident is identified, businesses should first contain the threat by instructing affected individuals not to respond to the phishing attempt. The incident should then be reported to IT security teams and, if necessary, to law enforcement or cybersecurity authorities. It's also important to analyze the incident to understand how it happened and to improve future defenses. This response helps in mitigating damage and also aids in building strategies to prevent similar attacks in the future.

How can implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) protects against the consequences of callback phishing?

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Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) is important in fighting against callback phishing. MFA adds a layer of security beyond just a username and password. Even if a phishing attack compromises an employee's login credentials, the attacker would still need to bypass the second layer of authentication, which is often a temporary code sent to the user's phone or generated by an authenticator app. This makes unauthorized access significantly more difficult. MFA is particularly effective in protecting sensitive data and access to critical internal systems, reducing the overall impact of a successful phishing attempt on your business. By incorporating MFA, businesses can enhance their security posture and provide a robust defense against various cyber threats, including the sophisticated tactics used in callback phishing.

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