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Security Awareness Training

Up to 90% reduction in high-risk security behavior

Security Awareness Training

Change your employees' behaviors, build your security culture, and reduce cyber risks.

Trusted by leading companies around the world
Coca colaHello FreshVodafoneMerckToyotaDellZoomSocarThe StandardLiving SecurityGaranti BBVATrendyol

Empower Your Team With Security Awareness

Did you know human factors cause over 95% of security breaches?
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Address the primary risk — human error. Keepnet’s security awareness training programs are designed to develop a strong security culture within your organization.

Equip your employees to identify and effectively report phishing threats, achieving success rates of up to 90% in minimizing security risks.

Build security culture to STOP phishing attacks
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Reduce risk
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Maximize cybersecurity engagement
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Behaviour-based training
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How Keepnet Security Awareness Training Works

1- Conduct Your Initial Assessment

Evaluate your employees’ current cybersecurity awareness levels through a comprehensive assessment.

2- Train Your Employees with Tailored Programs

Deliver behavior-based training to address identified gaps and enhance overall security awareness.

3- Enable Phishing Reporting

Empower your employees to report phishing incidents, promoting proactive engagement and reinforcing training concepts.

4- Generate Custom Reports and Insights

Use custom metrics, charts, and widgets to create data-driven reports, providing valuable insights to executives.


Key Features of Keepnet's Security Awareness Training Platform

Keepnet's cybersecurity awareness training product is unique because it covers all aspects of social engineering attacks using a scientific behavior change model in security awareness, a training marketplace, seamless integration, AI-driven phishing simulations, and executive reports.

95% Completion
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Ensure every employee completes their security training, promoting a comprehensive security-aware culture.

95% Completion
Training Delivery via SMS
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Host Training in Your LMS
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Free Security Awareness Training

You'll have the values:
tickMitigate the risk of cyber threats and data breaches through comprehensive employee awareness training on security protocols.
tickEnsure compliance with industry regulations to avoid legal penalties.
tickCreate a proactive security culture that enhances overall security practices.

Discover Keepnet's Security Awareness Training

Keepnet’s security awareness training product is designed to train employees with comprehensive training materials for your employees to learn, identify, and prevent cyber threats within their organization.

Security Awareness Training ReportsPlay Icon
Security Awareness Training Reports
Security Awareness Training Reports
Generate insightful reports tracking employee progress and effectiveness.

Security Awareness Training Enrollments
Security Awareness Training Enrollments
Access specialized courses, enroll, track progress, and manage your schedule.

Keepnet Security Awareness Training Library
Keepnet Security Awareness Training Library
Navigate the library, create learning paths, and preview larger training packages.

Security Awareness Training Certificates
Security Awareness Training Certificates
Discover how Keepnet provides certification for each completed training module.

Increase Your Company's Cyber Security Awareness with Keepnet

Keepnet’s security awareness training enhances employee knowledge and alertness against cyber threats. Keepnet security training modules empower your employees to identify and respond to security risks effectively:

The advantages of implementing Keepnet security awareness training are:

Increased Reporting

Provide personalized training based on employee behavior, resulting in up to 90% success reporting phishing attacks.

Higher Employee Engagement

Engage 95% of employees in ongoing security training through interactive and gamified learning experiences.

Enhanced Security Culture

Foster a security-first culture within your organization, leading to an up to 75% increase in proactive security behavior.

Success Stories

Trusted By 4,000+ Organizations
Coca ColaHello FreshVodafoneMerckToyotaDellZoomSocarThe StandardLiving SecurityGaranti BBVATrendyol



Koton's Huge Savings Against Phishing

Discover how Koton fortified its phishing defense by 99%, slashing costs related to scams by over 85%.

Case Study
Get Insightsarrow right icon
LMS: Your Phishing Shield

LMS: Your Phishing Shield

Learn from our data sheet how our LMS arms your business against phishing. Build a secure culture!

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Your Guide to a Secure Culture

Your Guide to a Secure Culture

Immerse in our whitepaper and learn strategies to overcome resistance and build a strong security culture.

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Fostering a Secure Workforce

Fostering a Secure Workforce

Explore our blog to learn how to shape a secure workforce through behavior change and awareness.

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Empowering Cyber Security Awareness

Empowering Cyber Security Awareness

Visualize the journey towards a robust security culture, key elements, benefits, and practical tips to secure your organization.

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Security Awareness Video

Watch our high-level technical video on YouTube

See the features and capabilities of our LMS in action, how we empower your employees to stop phishing attacks confidently.


Schedule your 30-minute demo now

You'll learn how to:
tickAutomate behavior-based security awareness training for employees that over 4 million people trust.
tickUtilize the rich content from over 10 security awareness training vendors and have comprehensive training without sticking to one provider.
tickGet advanced reports on the learning progress to obtain insights on strategic improvements for awareness and response.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sets the Security Awareness Training apart from other cybersecurity training platforms?

Security Awareness Training distinguishes itself through several key features:

  • Comprehensive Content: Tailored to various employee roles within an organization, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.
  • Interactive Modules: Engaging, real-world scenarios that enhance employee retention and application.
  • Continuous Updates: Regularly refreshed content to address the latest cybersecurity threats.
  • Unlimited Reports: Robust tracking and reporting tools to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and create unlimited reports.
  • Customizable Training Paths: Flexibility in adapting the training program to specific organizational needs and security policies.

How does continuous learning feature in the Security Awareness Training approach?

Continuous learning is integral to the security awareness training methodology. The platform provides regular updates and new training modules to inform employees about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. This ongoing education helps maintain a high level of awareness and adaptability in the face of ever-changing cyber risks.

What metrics does Security Awareness Training use to measure training effectiveness?

The effectiveness of security awareness training is measured through a variety of metrics:

  • Employee Engagement Rates: Monitoring how actively employees participate in training sessions.
  • Completion Rates: Tracking the percentage of employees who complete assigned training modules.
  • Phishing Simulation Success Rates: Assessing employee responses to simulated phishing attacks to gauge practical understanding.
  • Behavioral Improvements: Observing changes in employee behavior, such as increased reporting of suspicious activities.
  • Phishing Reporting: Assessing whether or not employees' reporting rate has increased over time.
  • Incident Reduction: Measuring the decrease in security incidents and breaches over time.

How can small and medium-sized enterprises benefit from the Security Awareness Training?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can gain several advantages from Security Awareness Training:

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Affordable training options tailored to fit the budget constraints of SMEs.
  • Scalable Programs: Flexibility to scale the awareness training program as the business grows.
  • Tailored Content: Relevant training materials designed specifically for the needs and risks faced by SMEs.
  • Enhanced Security Posture: Improved ability to identify and respond to cyber threats, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks.
  • Compliance Support: Assistance in meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards through comprehensive training.

What support does Keepnet offer to organizations implementing the Security Awareness Educator?

Keepnet provides extensive support to organizations implementing the Security Awareness Educator, including:

  • Onboarding Assistance: Step-by-step guidance to ensure smooth integration of the platform.
  • Employee Security Training: Cyber security awareness training sessions for staff to maximize the use and benefits of the Awareness Educator.
  • Continuous Technical Support: Access to a dedicated support team for ongoing assistance and troubleshooting.
  • Best Practice Guides: Comprehensive resources to help organizations implement effective training strategies.
  • Dedicated Account Managers: Personalized support from account managers to address specific organizational needs and goals.