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Why Choose Keepnet Labs’ Data Breaches Protection

Discover why businesses trust Keepnet Labs for comprehensive data breach protection. Our innovative approach combines AI-driven tools, employee training, and rapid incident response to keep your data secure. Explore the blog to see how we can help you build a robust cybersecurity defense.

Why Choose Keepnet Labs’ Data Breaches Protection

As organizations face increasing cyber threats from cybercriminals and lose billions of records yearly, effective data breach protection will become significant in 2024. Keepnet Labs' data breach protection ensures your organization benefits from cutting-edge technology, extensive expertise, and proactive defense mechanisms that secure your data.

In this blog, we’ll discuss why choosing Keepnet Labs data breaches solutions is significant to protect your organization and prevent security breaches in 2024.

The Critical Importance of Data Breach Protection in Today’s Digital Age

Data breaches can devastate any organization, ranging from financial losses to severe reputational damage.

The global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was USD 4.45 million .jpeg
Picture 1: The global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was USD 4.45 million

According to IBM, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was USD 4.45 million, reflecting a 15% increase over the past three years. Therefore, data breach protection is not only a regulatory necessity but also an important element of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

Here are some potential impacts a data breach can have on your company:

  • Financial Impact: Data breaches often result in significant financial losses due to fines, litigation costs, and lost revenue.
  • Reputational Damage: The trust that customers place in a brand can be seriously affected if sensitive information or customer data are compromised.
  • Operational Disruptions: A data breach can disrupt business operations, leading to loss of productivity and additional costs to address the data breach.

Why Choose Keepnet Labs Against Protect the Data Breaches

Keepnet Labs data leak solutions distinguishes itself in the cybersecurity market with its innovative approach to protecting organizations against data breaches. Here are several reasons to choose Keepnet Labs as your trusted partner in data security:

Picture 2: Keepnet Labs data leak solutions distinguishes itself in the cybersecurity market with unified human risk management products

Unified Human Risk Platform

Keepnet is unique because it brings all social engineering simulation and security awareness training products under one simple platform, allowing you to manage 10 different products easily, saving you time.

These products are Threat Intelligence, Incident Responder, Threat Sharing, Breach and attack simulation (Email Threat Simulation), and various AI-driven social enginering simulations like Email Phishing, SMS Phishing, Voice Phishing, QR code phishing, MFA phishing, Callback Voice Phishing Simulations.

Expertise and Experience

With 10 years of experience in cybersecurity, the Keepnet team of experts understands the evolving landscape of cyber threats and how to effectively counter them.

Compliance Assurance

Keepnet Labs helps ensure that your organization remains compliant with international data protection regulations, reducing the risk of legal consequences and fines.

Comprehensive Protection Across the Board

Keepnet Labs data breaches solution offers a holistic approach, ensuring that all aspects of your organization’s data and clients' personal information are protected.

Keepnet offers a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity through phishing simulations that test and train employees on recognizing phishing emails, supplemented by security awareness training to increase their understanding of cyber threats.

For instance, Keepnet’s Phishing Reporter Tool enables quick reporting of suspicious emails and detailed phishing analysis to evaluate attack techniques and improve defenses.

Keepnet’s Phishing Reporter Add-in to report suspicious emails from Gmail..jpg
Picture 3: Keepnet’s Phishing Reporter Add-in to report suspicious emails from Gmail.
Keepnet’s Outlook Phishing Reporter add-in is used to report suspicious emails from the Outlook Desktop App or OWA. .jpeg
Picture 4: Keepnet’s Outlook Phishing Reporter add-in is used to report suspicious emails from the Outlook Desktop App or OWA.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Innovation

At the forefront of cybersecurity, Keepnet Labs integrates advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to craft specific and sophisticated simulation tools that address a range of phishing tactics.

These include vishing (voice phishing) simulations that prepare employees to recognize fraudulent phone calls, smishing (SMS phishing) simulations that educate employees to identify and prevent malicious text messages, and multifactor authentication (MFA) phishing simulations that teach how to identify attempts to compromise secondary verification processes.

Additionally, Keepnet labs data breaches tool offer QR code phishing simulations to detect malicious QR codes, as well as Callback voice phishing simulations that train employees on how to handle deceptive callback requests. This targeted approach ensures that Keepnet's defenses evolve in parallel with emerging cyber threats, providing robust and up-to-date protection against various attack vectors.

Phishing Simulation and Awareness Training: Building the Human Firewall

Recognizing that human error often leads to successful cyber attacks, Keepnet Labs data breaches solutions place a strong emphasis on education and awareness. Through phishing simulation and tailored security awareness training programs, employees are educated about the latest phishing techniques and how to recognize them.

Keepnet trains your employees to identify and report phishing attacks, with a success rate of up to 92%..jpeg
Picture 5: Keepnet trains your employees to identify and report phishing attacks, with a success rate of up to 92%.

Keepnet phishing simulation and security awareness training helps build a "human firewall," making each employee an active participant in the defense against cyber threats.

 A sample screenshot displaying Keepnet’s security awareness training library.jpeg
Picture 6: A sample screenshot displaying Keepnet’s security awareness training library
A sample screenshot displaying phishing email templates from Keepnet’s Phishing Simulator .jpeg
Picture 7: A sample screenshot displaying phishing email templates from Keepnet’s Phishing Simulator

Real-Time Incident Response and Recovery

Keepnet Labs' Phishing Incident Response tool revolutionizes how organizations handle phishing attacks by significantly accelerating the analysis and response times.

A sample screenshot from Keepnet’s Incident Responder product - analyzed reported suspicious emails. .jpeg
Picture 8: A sample screenshot from Keepnet’s Incident Responder product - analyzed reported suspicious emails.

With Keepnet’s AI-powered Phishing Forensic tool, you can analyze suspicious emails in under two minutes—168 times faster than the average time of 2 hours and 45 minutes, as reported by Gartner.

Keepnet’s phishing analysis and response product is quicker than any other tools.jpeg
Picture 9: Keepnet’s phishing analysis and response product is quicker than any other tools

This rapid analysis is supported by more than 20 integrated threat analysis services. Moreover, Keepnet facilitates the removal of confirmed malicious emails from inboxes in under 5 minutes, 48 times quicker than the typical duration of up to 9 hours.

Here are some key features of Keepnet's Phishing Incident Response:

  • AI-Driven Efficiency: Dramatically reduce the time needed to analyze and mitigate threats, saving up to 95% of the time typically required.
  • Phishing Reporter: Equip employees with an easy-to-use add-in to report suspicious emails instantly. This tool has boosted the reporting of phishing attacks by 92% within 12 months.
  • Community of Threat Hunters: Benefit from a community of over 1 million active threat hunters. This network enhances the ability to share and receive threat intelligence, shortening response times and decreasing the likelihood of successful phishing attacks.
  • Security Culture Metrics: Track and evaluate employees' reporting habits, both proactive and reactive, to better understand and improve your organization's security culture. This approach also rewards effective threat identification and reporting.

Keepnet Labs data leak solutions not only provide cutting-edge technological solutions to combat phishing but also foster a proactive security culture within organizations, enhancing overall cyber resilience.

Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

Keepnet Labs prioritizes the seamless integration of its security solutions into modern IT environments, ensuring minimal disruption to existing workflows and infrastructure. This integration enhances the overall security posture by creating a unified defense system that aligns effortlessly with your organization’s operations.

Out-of-box Integrations

Keepnet Labs offers robust out-of-box integrations with critical systems such as SCIM, LDAP, SIEM, SOC, and SCORM. These integrations facilitate streamlined user management, enhanced security alerting, efficient monitoring, and integrated e-learning platforms, making the adoption of Keepnet’s solutions seamless and impactful.


Enhance your employees' user experience with Keepnet’s SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. This feature helps reduce password fatigue and boosts security by minimizing the need for multiple logins, thereby simplifying access management across your organization’s applications.


Keepnet’s platform is fully API-driven, allowing for the automation and customization of workflows. The REST API enables efficient integration and robust data management across systems, tailoring Keepnet’s functionalities to fit specific organizational needs and enhancing operational efficiency.

Through these integrative features, Keepnet Labs ensures that its advanced security solutions not only protect but also enhance the operational dynamics of your organization without the complexities typically associated with new security software deployments.

Regulatory Compliance and Data Protection Laws

Keepnet Labs data leak products ensure that its customers are not only protected from cyber threats but also fully compliant with international and local data protection regulations. By aligning their security solutions with standards such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and other critical compliance frameworks, Keepnet Labs helps organizations avoid costly legal penalties and maintain their reputation by safeguarding sensitive data according to legal requirements.

Customer-Centric Approach and Support

Keepnet Labs is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and support, focusing on the specific needs and challenges of each client. Their customer-centric approach includes tailored security solutions, 24/7 support, and regular updates on the latest security threats and trends. This proactive communication ensures that clients are always informed and prepared, strengthening their defense mechanisms against potential breaches.

See our support cycle below:

Keepnet’s support cycle .jpeg
Picture 10: Keepnet’s support cycle

Secure Your Business Today with Keepnet Labs

To secure your business against data breaches, partnering with Keepnet Labs offers a strategic advantage. By choosing their advanced, comprehensive solutions, your organization can benefit from the highest level of data protection, ensuring peace of mind in the digital age. Begin your journey towards robust cybersecurity by contacting Keepnet Labs today, and take the first step in fortifying your defenses against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Watch our YouTube video below to learn how Keepnet data leak solutions can help you reduce cyber risks and protect your organization.

Also, watch the video below to learn about data breaches and how you can protect your organizations from data leaks.



Schedule your 30-minute demo now!

You'll learn how to:
tickCheck if your employees' passwords have been exposed in past data breaches and take quick action.
tickGet detailed information about the breach, like the date, time, type of password, corporate email address, and source.
tickAdd this process to your security plan and SIEM systems for the automatic prevention of data breaches.
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