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Revolutionizing Pentesting with Keepnet

Discover how a top European pentester transformed operations with Keepnet's social engineering simulation platform.

Case Study: Revolutionizing Pentesting with Keepnet


In Europe, a leading pentesting company gained prominence in online safety, serving over 2000 clients globally. Known for their high-quality work, accuracy, and reliability, they excelled in finding and fixing vulnerabilities in complex systems.

However, their pentesting operations, especially in social engineering simulations, were heavily manual. Each simulation required careful planning, from purchasing domains to creating phishing templates and generating detailed reports. This time-consuming process was becoming a significant resource issue.

Recognizing the need to evolve, the company looked for a solution to automate these tasks without compromising quality. Their goal was to improve efficiency, reduce turnaround time, and continue delivering top-tier services to their clients.

Successful Outcomes

  • Achieved significant annual cost savings of $2,366 per phishing campaign.

  • Reduced time spent on campaigns from 3 days to 20 minutes.

  • Reduced the false positives by up to 100%.

  • Boosted sales by up to 30%.

  • Gained unique capabilities like SMS, MFA, and Voice phishing simulations and differentiated its business.

Challenges Faced by the Pentester

1. Manual Overhead:

  • Delivery Issues: Ensuring test emails reach recipients' inboxes is difficult. Servers often block them due to suspicious links and attachments, requiring pentesters to find ways around these barriers.

  • Domain Management: Buying and managing domains for each simulation was slow and added complexity. Each domain needed to be credible and properly set up, involving extensive manual verification and configuration.

  • Custom Templates: Creating convincing phishing templates required technical skills and creativity. Each template needed to be unique and relevant, demanding significant effort.

  • Report Generation: After each simulation, pentesters manually compiled detailed reports, filtering out false positives and analyzing results, which extended the project duration.

  • Overall Time Consumption: The manual nature of operations meant a single social engineering test could take up to 3 days, consuming valuable time and adding stress, especially with multiple clients.

2. Financial Challenges:

  • Operational Costs: The manual processes were costly, averaging $100 per hour. A single test, taking three days, cost $2,400. This was a significant expense when scaled to multiple clients and projects.

  • Opportunity Costs: Time spent on manual tasks meant missed opportunities. The pentester could have taken on more projects or invested time in research and development to enhance their services.

3. Lack of Automation:

  • Repetitive Tasks: Many tasks, like sending phishing emails or collecting data, were repetitive. Without automation, each task required individual attention, making it difficult to scale operations.

  • Inconsistencies: Manual processes are prone to inconsistencies. Ensuring uniformity in simulations, especially for a global clientele, was challenging without automation.

"As a senior pentester, I pride myself and my team as unique, valuable, creative, and competitive professionals. With Keepnet, we have freed up more time, increased our efficiency, and reduced up to 95% of our social engineering working time, enabling us to focus on more important tasks. Keepnet's automation capabilities have also significantly reduced costs for our employers and clients. This leads to greater satisfaction and loyalty, making our team stand out from the rest."

- Joe Ray, Senior Pentester

Total Cost Saved Per Test

Avg. time to conduct a social engineering test

from 3 days to 20 minutes

The average cost of one staff

$100 per hour

The cost of a single social engineering test reduced

from $2,400 to $33,3

The total estimated cost savings are $2,366 per test.

How Keepnet Stepped In:

1. Time and Financial Savings:

  • Quick Campaigns: With Keepnet’s Phishing Simulator , the pentester could cut a 3-day campaign to 20 minutes, drastically reducing the time spent on each project.

  • Significant Cost Reduction: The streamlined process saved $2,366 for each simulation, enhancing profitability.

2. The Power of Automation:

  • Efficient Task Management: Keepnet' solutions allowed the pentester to minimize manual labor, automating repetitive tasks and ensuring simulation consistency.

  • Innovation and Quality: The pentester could now allocate more time to research and development, fostering innovation and ensuring they delivered top-tier services to their clients.

  • Scalability: Automation meant the pentester could handle multiple projects simultaneously, catering to the growing demands of their expansive clientele.

3. Privacy and Legal Compliance:

  • Secure Data Handling: Keepnet ensured secure communication and on-the-fly data verification, ensuring that sensitive information was never at risk.

  • Client Trust: The robust security measures offered clients peace of mind, knowing their data was safe and the simulations adhered to the highest privacy and compliance standards.

4. Increasing Efficiency & Revenue:

  • Acquisition of Unique Capabilities: Gained new technologies like SMS, MFA, and Voice phishing simulations beyond traditional email phishing simulation.

  • Reduced False Positives: The pentester could now reduce false positives by up to 100% with Keepnet, ensuring that the results of the simulations were accurate and reliable.

  • Enhanced Focus: With fewer false positives, the pentester could concentrate on unique challenges, improving the quality of their service.

  • Revenue Boost: The efficiency and accuracy provided by Keepnet's solutions boosted revenue by up to 30%.

5. Customized Training Materials:

  • Tailored Content: Keepnet provided the pentester with customized training materials, ensuring their clients were well-equipped to handle real-world threats.

  • Global Relevance: The materials were tailored to cater to the diverse geographical locations of the pentester's clientele, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

6. Continuous Updates and Support:

  • Staying Ahead: Keepnet ensured that the pentester had access to the latest tools and techniques, reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of phishing tactics.

  • Dedicated Support: The pentester had the assurance of round-the-clock support from Keepnet, ensuring smooth operations and swift resolutions to any challenges.

Operational Results

  • Reduced time spent on campaigns from 3 days to 20 minutes.

  • Reduced false positives by up to 100%

  • Consistent quality of service for all clients, using advanced simulation tools.

  • Improved reputation in the industry with faster delivery and high-quality service.

Strategic Results

  • Saved $2,366 per phishing test.

  • Boosted revenue by up to 30%.

  • Gained more clients by delivering faster and better simulations.

  • Became a market leader in automated pentesting.

  • Added unique features like SMS, MFA, and Voice phishing simulations, making the business stand out.

Schedule your 30-minute demo now

You'll learn how to:
tickHow we reduced a 3-day effort to 20 minutes, saving time and costs.
tickHow we automated manual tasks, sped up project completion, and added value to your campaigns.
tickHow we created phishing simulations without whitelisting issues and avoided false-clicks in reports.

Schedule your 30-minute demo now

You'll learn how to:
tickAutomate behaviour-based security awareness training for employees to identify and report threats: phishing, vishing, smishing, quishing, MFA phishing, callback phishing!
tickAutomate phishing analysis by 187x and remove threats from inboxes 48x faster.
tickUse our AI-driven human-centric platform with Autopilot and Self-driving features to efficiently manage human cyber risks.
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